Commercial Locksmith Tacoma, WA – Estate Locksmith Store


Estate Locksmith Store Tacoma, WA 253-948-9786Protecting your office is as vital as protecting any of your other properties. That is where all the commercial activities take place and it may house a lot of company data as well as vital trade secrets, that you don’t want falling into the wrong hands. A downtime of even a single hour can lead to losses of thousands of dollars. So it is highly imperative to have a commercial locksmith always available on-call to avoid any downtime due to any lock and key issue.

We have specialists for commercial Zones:

Our full range of commercial locksmith services as follow:

  • Commercial Lockout services to get you back to work in no time.
  • Door security: We provide services like door repair, rekey, key change, new lock sets, and keys.
  • Key duplication and new keys made for existing deadbolts and locks
  • Master key and digital lock systems to keep your workplace safe and secure
  • Specially designed security locks, mailbox locks etc
  • Safe installation for the best on-site security
  • New Lock Installation and lock upgrades to maximize the security of your premises
  • Burglary repairs to put things right quickly
  • Expert attention to master keys, digital locks, and restricted keyway systems
  • Advice and guidance on all types of high-security lock systems

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